Saturday Jan 28, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
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Join the South Bay Surfrider Foundation for a cleanup of Hermosa Beach, south of the pier. Bring your family and friends out, and you'll know you're in the right spot when you see the Surfrider flag!
Beach cleanups are a fun way to engage in your community and leave the coast better than you found it.
Our local beaches are protected by volunteers, just like you! We welcome you to a fun day in the sand with family, friends, and new acquaintances while removing trash and raising awareness about plastic pollution.
By taking action to protect the environment by removing trash from our coastline, Surfrider can also use the data you collect to influence laws that reduce pollution at the source!
We have gloves, bags, sunscreen and trash pickers, and most importantly hand sanitizer! We just need you!