Thursday Jan 19, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Virtual, Register here.
About the event
Webinar fee: FREE
“I don’t have time to write a blog.”
Yes, we know, you are really busy. In this webinar you will learn how content that talks about your business is FINANCIALLY worth every moment you invest in creating it.
We will talk about different types of content. Then you will learn WHY creating is important from a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as the HUMAN point of view. Creating content is one of your basic building blocks of your marketing. It allows your prospects to get to know you before they meet you (virtually or in person).
Then, we will take your content and show you how to use it.
Example: We show you the easiest way to write a blog. You already know it; you just don’t KNOW that you know it.
We then show you the right way to use that blog on your social media to boomerang prospects back to your website.
Once on your website, you will learn how to use it to get people to ethically opt in to your website.
It can be used as the content for your email marketing and much more.
We will show you how to add a couple of easy steps to make your content explode with business building possibilities.
You will learn over 20 ways to repurpose your content. Come, take notes and get ready to have your sales increased.
As a bonus: When you participate in this webinar, you’ll receive a free, no obligation, 30-minute private coaching call to go over your content ideas and give you specific direction for your business. You will also be invited to appear on The Marketing Checklist View Cast, a video podcast designed to give you even more content to promote you.