Wednesday Feb 8, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
February 8, 2023, 10:00am PST
Virtual, Register now.
Are you overwhelmed by what to post on social media and when? Don’t have the skills or staff to create your graphics and need an easy way to post? This is the class for you!
You will learn the most important tool to take away the overwhelm…a content calendar with content ideas. We will then go “live” and show you some quick tips to create graphics for social media and other digital and print marketing materials. Lastly, you will learn a tool to quickly post your social media content in one place. All attendees will receive a complimentary 2021 content calendar ($27 value).
Instructor: Patty Ross
Patty has well over 20 years’ experience in marketing and has been in the online space since 1998 where she developed an e-commerce program for a gourmet gift company into a million-dollar business.
She has spent 16 years helping the wine industry gain traction online and has since branched out to help other industries grow their brands including financial, legal, health and beauty, motorsports, landscape design, cbd/cannabis, restaurants, political activism and non-profits. Golden State Marketing and her other business, California Wine Marketing, were founded in 2006.
Patty enjoys speaking on various marketing topics to help business owners understand the importance of marketing their brand online and offline.