Thursday May 11, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
May 11, 2023, 11:00am PDT
Virtual, Register now.
Are you struggling to get more traffic to your website?
Learn the basics of digital marketing starting with search engine optimization and social media. We will teach you how to increase organic (free) traffic from Google, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
What you will learn from attending this free workshop:
• Increase your website traffic with SEO
• Learn to growth hack your social media sites
• Make data-backed decisions by using Google Analytics
• Real-life examples are given on your website
Reserve your spot today!
Brandon Leibowitz, the founder of SEO Optimizers, is hosting this special workshop. Brandon will share the knowledge, tips, and techniques that he has acquired over the past 15 years.