Wednesday May 17, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
May 17, 2023, 10:30am PDT
Virtual, Register now.
Have you ever struggled to get someone to accept your ideas or buy your product or service? Well, help is finally on the way, with this breakthrough webinar!
In less than an hour you will learn how to convince and sell almost anyone. Suddenly, you'll have an incredible power to persuade all the people in your life, unlike anything you've ever been able to do before.
From friends and family members to prospects and clients, you will suddenly be able to enjoy more stress-free, predictable and FUN ways to get people on your side and buying from you... whether it be face-to-face, from your website, from your ads and emails and more!
In this webinar for small business owners, top behavioral management specialist James I. Bond will share secrets that will help you grow your business and simplify your life almost immediately, including:
● The 3 questions that MUST be answered before anyone can say Yes to you.
● A simple phrase that suddenly makes an unreceptive person willing to consider your idea.
● The 5-word statement that will turn a No into a Yes almost every time.
● How beginning with the right question can set the stage for an easier agreement.
● How to turn someone's biggest objection into THE reason they should say yes.
● And more....