Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
July 27, 2022
11:00 AM
The IHC has partnered with HUB International Insurance and QBE Carriers to bring you the inside scoop on lowering your costs and liability.
Join me and our guests as we discuss the fundamentals to being safe and compliant while lowering your insurance costs.
During this online event, we will:
• Set you on a path to compliance and
meet all CalOSHA needs
• Define and discuss the impact of Social Inflation
• Learn how insurance brokers petition
carriers to lock in premiums
• Provide tips from the experts to help lower your
injuries, turnover and insurance costs by 25%
• Discuss the injuries most common to Southern
California and how to avoid them
• Define the term Continuous Trauma, which
continues to pop up in claims
• Discuss the impact of fostering a Culture of Safety
Did You Know: CalOSHA requires all restaurants to designate a Safety Lead? Join us or forward this email to a Safety Representative so we can help your team understand and implement simplified steps to being Safe & Compliant.
We look forward to hosting you soon!