Saturday Mar 2, 2024
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PST
In an on-going effort to establish wildlife connectivity for pollinators, like the Monarch and the El Segundo Blue Butterflies, the South Bay Parkland Conservancy is pleased to host habitat restoration and on-going stewardship along the Hermosa Valley Greenbelt Trail!
We are now in our 2nd year of establishing native habitat on the HV Greenbelt, with restoration locations on every block between Herondo Ave and 5th Street. The summer season of maintenance helped us get ahead of the invasives, and the native plants have shown signs of growth, resilience, and beauty throughout the hotter months.
We've seen an increase of pollinators visiting the restoration areas throughout, like the Monarch, the Acmon Blue, and the Marine Blue butterflies! We'll continue this work, beautifying through the Fall, and preparing each area for the coming planting season, in November!
Please sign up here - this is a free volunteer event -
Volunteer Orientation video -