Monday Mar 27, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT
City Council Chambers
1315 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
In December 2021, the Hermosa Beach City Council directed staff to develop a permanent version of the temporary outdoor dining programs that were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. This would include programs that address the on-street dining decks as well as the temporary encroachments on Pier Plaza. Council set a deadline of May 1, 2023 to formalize these permanent programs.
To share updates and gather feedback from the local business community regarding outdoor dining, City staff will host an information session on Wednesday, March 29 from 3-4PM in City Hall Council Chambers (1315 Valley Drive). This informal meeting is intended to collect and share information that will help guide the development of this program for Council’s eventual consideration. We appreciate your attendance, and you can contact Doug Krauss with the City manager’s office at 310-750-3603 or with any questions.