Saturday Sep 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT
September 21st/ 9 am-12 pm
Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, CA, 90266
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Join the Roundhouse Aquarium for our annual beach cleanup for Coastal Cleanup Day at the Manhattan Beach Pier on Saturday, September 21st from 9:00 am-12 pm. Register here: ( Please select "Manhattan County Beach - Pier" as the cleanup location) Please meet us at the base of the pier with your signed waiver. link here: If you have gloves, buckets, bags, and REUSABLE WATER BOTTLES, please bring them as supplies might run low. El acuario Roundhouse va a festejar el Sábado 21 de Septiembre su limpieza anual "Coastal Cleanup Day 2024" de la playa de Manhattan Beach en el muelle de Manhattan Beach de 9:00 am a 12:00 pm. Regístrese aquí: (Elija la opción "Manhattan County Beach - Pier" cuando se registre) Porfavor, búsquenos al inicio del muelle con su permiso firmado. El link para el permiso esta aqui: Si tiene guantes, baldes, bolsas, y BOTELLAS DE AGUA, porfavor tráigalos, ya que podriamos quedar cortos de suministros.