Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM PST
December 20, 2023, 11:00am PST
Virtual, Register now.
Most small business owners know that they MUST utilize Social Media as part of their successful marketing plan. The challenge is you were never taught the right way to use your social media platforms to build your business. Many business owners decide to hire someone to run their program for them, but are not sure if they are getting the value from those dollars they invest. This class will help you decide if you need a Social Media manager and if you do, how would you find the right person.
What You Will Learn:
• Discussion of how your audience is currently using Social Media and on-line marketing
• What platforms you should be using
• How to create your targeted messages
• 10 Things Your Social Media Manager must ABSOLUTELY do for you
• 7 Social Media Myths to Avoid
In addition to the vital information your business needs in this class, all attendees will receive the Yuloff Creative’s book The Hows and Whys of Social Media for Your Small Business.