Saturday Nov 11, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PST
In an on-going effort to establish wildlife connectivity for pollinators, like the Monarch and the El Segundo Blue Butterflies, the South Bay Parkland Conservancy is pleased to host habitat restoration and on-going stewardship along the Hermosa Valley Greenbelt Trail! We are now in our 2nd year of establishing native habitat on the HV Greenbelt, with restoration locations on every block between Herondo Ave and 5th Street. This June, 2023, we will be finishing up the Leadership Hermosa 2023 Class project by installing native plants in four new areas between Herondo Ave and 1st street. In addition to this, volunteers will be asked to help remove invasive weeds and grasses, in an effort to prepare the 2023 planting season (starting again in the Fall). Community members are invited to join in on the work effort by signing up for slots on work day opportunities. Each work day consists of an introduction to native plants, invasive plants, pollinators, and instruction on the proper use of tools and processes we follow to establish habitat. We get a lot of work done when we work together in process! Please sign up here - this is a free volunteer event -