Friday Mar 21, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
Friday, March 21, 2025
Mahamudra Kadampa Meditation Center
500 6th St Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Crista Riccio 310-848-9680
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Delicious appetizers and stories of the great Buddhist masters.
Before they became the ??renowned ?Buddhist ?practitioners we revere and emulate, they had the same problems we do – maybe worse! Yet, they were able to gain mastery over their minds and attain the state of enlightenment.
?J?oin us to explore?? their transformational journey?s. Feel? encourage?d ?and inspired and gain confidence that we ourselves can grow and change. ?
Leave ?with a plan for how to put their teachings into practice in our daily lives?. Begin to inspire others as they have.